Saturday, December 29, 2007


I woke up to a lousy morning.
Much to my chagrin, the rest of my day followed the same pattern.

When something bad happens over and over again,
don't you think it's time to consider the possibility
that you're doing something wrong?
Don't you think these recurring patterns
are a strong indication that change is needed?

And what do you do?
You just sit down, pat yourself on your shoulder,
and just say that you cannot change
because this is who you are?

I am way beyond fuming angry.
I am sad. I am pained.
Pained at the thought that such change can be so elusive,
in spite of the fact that the lack of which pains me so.

"Maybe if my heart stops beating,
it won't hurt this much.
& never will I have to answer again to anyone."

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