Saturday, December 22, 2007

When people say...I'm busy

I hate it.... I just really hate it when people say "I'm busy". I'm not saying this applies to everybody but most of the time, it's just another way of saying "I'm making more money, don't disturb me" or "Sorry, you're not important so I can't waste my time for you". I know you won't admit it but, come on! We all know it's true, if we will just look inside our hearts and be honest with ourselves. And if you're in the receiving end, I gotta tell you friend, it hurts.

Of course, I'm not saying that having a lot of things to do is bad. I'm not shallow, I got things to do too, not to mention I have a lot of problems. But when it comes to people I care for, I think THEY DESERVE for me to at least take time to pause whenever I can and give a little effort to make them feel loved and that they still exist in my life. I'm not raising my chair here, but I'm also not a hypocrite. And I'm not saying I'm any better. I'm just trying to express my honest feelings about this.

Sometimes people forget. They forget they are human beings surrounded by other human beings and that some of those human beings are what they used to call "Friends.." Or come to think of it, maybe they don't really care. Why didn't I think of that before?? But like I said, this is case to case basis.

To all my friends.... of course, if aren't guilty of this then you're off the hook. I'm just talking about a few people who have forgotten to care.

Anyway, this could go on for a while, it's actually a four page written sentiment but I won't put it all here, I don't wanna bore you with it. So never mind.

All I'm saying is.. "I'm busy" is probably an answer a person can give to sales offers, business invitations, etc. But to say that to your friends is a little harsh. I'm not being overly sensitive here. It's just a little fact that some people are blind to. If you tell me that, it only shows one thing, you don't consider me as your friend. It hurts my friend, but that's okay because guess what? I understand. I won't hate you. I just hate that phrase. It's the most insensitive phrase on earth.

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