Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sometimes I wished for a much low-profile life. Where people around you don't give a shit to what you do, and don't give a damn about you. Attention is not everything, and attention is not what I want. Too much attention stresses me out, and that's what I'm feeling right now. I'm confused, I'm divided, I'm tired. Cant people just understand? I know exactly what I want in life, and I don't need inconsiderate people to barge into my life and start ruining every single hope of mine. Right now, all I need are FRIENDS. No soulmate, no partner, no whatsoever. People don't understand. People call me a BITCH just because I cant accept them as my soulmate. People start drifting away from me just because I cant accept them as my soulmate. People sought revenge and hugged another girl right in front of my very own eyes just because I cant accept them as my soulmate. Just how unfair is that, you tell me? Cant these people GROW UP and START THINKING MATURELY? I'd always thought we could remain as friends.. why get so emotional just because I cant accept you as my soulmate?? Sigh. Like what I'd told my best babe earlier, my life basically revolves around work now. I no longer want to have the time to go dating or whatsoever. I don't want to be giving people false hopes by going out with them. I've learnt my lesson. So to those of you who have been asking me out but always got turned down lately, you should now know why. I'm NOT ready to start dating yet. I'm NOT ready to be accused of giving people false hopes.

Life is being extra cruel to me now, and all I need is strength.

I started to think about loving someone back again, I started to shudder. And I almost cried. I admit, I'm a weakling when it comes to this. I'm scared. I'm just not ready.. not ready to love and trust back again. I need the time.

I'm sorry, I know I'd disappointed you yet again but I have to be fair to myself too. I hope you understand. =(

Fck! Why am I being so emotional now.

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