Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's so easy to say the right things. It's so easy to sound nice and sweet. When you're face-to-face, it's no challenge to bring forth a smile. Yet, it's not easy to be real.

Aren't we all masters of the spoken word? We can recall cliche's with a fillip. We can pick our minds of timely quotes to ease a weathered soul. And with our mastered tones, we soothe a heart in pain.

Yet, not all find it as easy to put those words into action.

How many times have you been assured by a friendly voice to "go on and challenge life," for if everything else fails, I'll be here -- an ear to hear out your frustrations, an arm you can hold on to, a shoulder that you can flood with your tears, etcetera, etcetera....

Yet, how many times has the world frustrated your attempts, whamming you twice, thrice over and you suddenly find yourself alone in the abyss of failure? Ringing in your mind is that sweet, reassuring voice of wisdom. But when you look around, it's just a voice, the owner gone, caught up in its own world.

These quotes and phrases are but words sewn up together to sound nice. It's prodding meant only to impel a beginning. It inspires you to start, encourages you to keep on the road.


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oh great thanks for the comment buddy! keep in touch.
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